Parent Folder
Immortality may be no more

than being in the minds of the living.


Armes Zygomala

Zygomala Family Arms

Anyone today can devote time to searching further
and further back to their ancestors' distant origins.
It's called 'genealogy'.
Some find it interesting
Others not.
Being one of the former, though not truly a genealogist, I have nevertheless tried to learn more about 'who' was 'who', and 'when' and 'where'.

We all have a mother and father and we each have two 'lines' of descent. On my mother's side, one of my aunts, Miette D, has given us a superb account of our northern French WAROT ancestors, from around the 1650s.

On my father's side I have enjoyed unveiling the past myself. Already nourished on many stories from both my grandmother and my father, I knew that one of our forebears was Julie Vlasto – a name belonging to a great Greek family from the island of Chios.

One day, with no particular expectations, I posted on the internet's Genealogy Newsgroups a request for information on anyone by the name of VLASTO. A month passed before I had any response. But when it did come it proved to contain fascinating revelations. There were indeed surviving descendants of this family, as well as a web site where I found answers to many of my questions.

I had hunted and I had found. And I remain fascinated by this intriguing and sometimes dramatic history of the Vlasto family of which I, and my children and grandchildren, are all members.

I also discovered precious details about the husband of Julie Vlasto, Jean Zygomalas, also from Chios and a member of another of its noble families. By the end of this story we will have discovered many stories and much else relating to them.

AnnuGenWeb : l'annuaire geŽneŽalogique du net

© Françoise Bernard Briès.

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